
27 years old.

SubhanAllah! Alhamdulillah!

Thank you Allah for all your blessing and for giving me the chance to breathe again today. I officially turned 27 years old at 1:59 AM.


Pejam celik cepatnya masa berlalu. Mummy tak henti cakap “Dah 27 tahun dah anak Mummy. Sekejap je rasa.. Dah besar anak Mummy ni (sambil cium dahi banyak kali.. hihi..)”.

I myself still adapting that I have turned 27. I used to be so proud with my age and allowing every junior calling me “Kakak” and frankly speaking, I feel so old now whenever I hear, “Kakak umur berapa?”. Hahaha. I now know why certain people said it’s a sensitive question to ask.

Takpelah, rileks je. Umur tu hanyalah angka. Yang penting, JIWA MUDA! :DDD

My du’a is that Allah gives me patience to go through all the hardships and trials in life. I pray that I can stay healthy always and happy doing things I love the most and be the best! InsyaAllah…

“Happy Birthday, Gurl.”

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