SubhanAllah! Alhamdulillah!
Thank you Allah for all your blessing and for giving me the
chance to breathe again today. I officially turned 27 years old at 1:59 AM.
Pejam celik cepatnya masa berlalu. Mummy tak henti cakap
“Dah 27 tahun dah anak Mummy. Sekejap je rasa.. Dah besar anak Mummy ni (sambil
cium dahi banyak kali.. hihi..)”.
I myself still adapting that I have turned 27. I used to be
so proud with my age and allowing every junior calling me “Kakak” and frankly
speaking, I feel so old now whenever I hear, “Kakak umur berapa?”. Hahaha. I
now know why certain people said it’s a sensitive question to ask.
Takpelah, rileks je. Umur tu hanyalah angka. Yang penting,
My du’a is that Allah gives me patience to go through all
the hardships and trials in life. I pray that I can stay healthy always and
happy doing things I love the most and be the best! InsyaAllah…
“Happy Birthday, Gurl.”